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Clubmusik in einer stillen Welt

Marco Torrance
Clubmusik in einer stillen Welt

Liebe Gelblinge,

mal Hand auf’s Herz, wer kann schon ohne Facebook, YouTube und co. leben? Richtig, nur die wenigsten. Insbesondere für Musiker sind diese Plattformen ein Muss, wenn man viele Leute erreichen will. Aber das manchmal nur 15 Sekunden reichen um eine Musikwelt zubewegen, hätte höchst wahrscheinlich niemand von uns gedacht.

Seit ein paar Tagen macht ein solches Video die Runde und ergatterte in noch nicht einmal 24 Stunden über 1 Million Klicks. Die Rede ist von einem kleinen quadratischen Instagram Clip, welches zeigt wie ein Party-Girl einem tauben Girl den Song-Text via Gebärdensprachen übersetzt. Gepostet wurde das Video vom britischen DJ Gareth Emery, welcher sich sehr emotional äußerte:

„I have met these two at a show in San Diego and they were two of the most inspiring clubbers I have ever met. If fifteen seconds could ever sum up the spirit of electronic dance music, this would be it“

Daraufhin schlug dieser kurze Clip ungeahnte Wellen der Emotionen. Bei YouTube ist mittlerweile eine längere Version zusehen:

Bei den 2 Girls handelt es sich um 25 jährige Keelin Lambert aus Oceanside, CA und die 25 jährige Monica Frederick aus Jacksonville, IL, die schon seit der Geburt an taub ist. Keelin ist professionelle Übersetzerin der Amerikanischen Gebärdensprache. Beide sind schon seit Jahren beste Freunde.

Zugegeben, wenn man als Musiker daran denkt, das man taub wäre, wäre das ein absoluter Alptraum. Kaum einer möchte wie Beethoven im tauben musizieren. Aber die Frage ist doch: Wie erleben taube Menschen die Musik? Ich wollte das unbedingt herausfinden und habe Keelin und Monica zu einem kleinen exklusiven Chat eingeladen:

Marco: Keelin, you are working as interpreter between the american sign language and English. What do you think, can deaf people enjoy music?

Keelin: I think everyone can enjoy music. Deaf people just have the language barrier. But having an interpreter bridges that gap.

Marco: For me as an audio engineer with an acoustic education I can imagine that deaf people could feel the rhythmic vibes with their body, like in huge venues (TomorrowWorld). Do you think Monica can enjoy music this way too?

Keelin: Everyone is able to feel the vibrations through their body. Just because you lose your hearing, doesn't mean you lose your feeling as well. Deaf individuals have lost a sense, so every other sense is heightened. They are able to feel the vibrations more than we can!

Marco: Monica, do you agree with Keelin? How do you actually feel the music?

Monica: Yes of course! I cannot hear means that I cannot detect words or what is being said but I definitely feel things through vibrations.

Marco: Do you also feel the rhythm, that want make you dance and celebrate the music?

Monica: Yes I feel the rhythm but it may be clouded depending on the bass and beats because some vibrations are louder than others. and theres definitely some vibrations where feels right to me.

Marco: You can imagine, this is far beyond our imagination and I'm so glad you let us know how it feels. What do you think about Gareth Emery's post? He was very touched to see this and millions feel the same way. What was you first reaction when you read Gareth' lines?

Monica: Of course I was very touched and honored by that selfless act he made. He made a difference not just in our lives but also millions others for something that we have been doing. He gave the world a 15 sec frame to see what it is like for me to experience music with Keelin. I met him and his wife just few months earlier prior to this so it is awesome to see what kind of impact a person can have on another especially if he remembered us. And the world seem to be inspired as well!

Keelin: Gareth Emery is a true inspiration. I appreciate all of his support! He is an inspiration to many people, including Monica and myself. Truly amazing to be apart of that post! His words mean more to us than you know! I will forever be indebted to him!

Marco: Well I think he is very grateful to have fans like you. Keelin, do you think this 15 seconds video has something like an "enlightening" message?

Keelin: I think it does. I wish people could see the full video and other interpretations to understand my perspective. She is understanding my interpretation of the lyrics. Every interpreter will have a different understanding. The only people that know the meaning are the singers/producers who created the track. So until meeting with them, Deaf people, like Monica, are relying on the interpreter's interpretation to understand the lyrics. I think everyone should recognize ASL. ASL is such a beautiful language. Having the opportunity to interpret my favorite songs to Monica gives me much pleasure and I enjoy it!!

Dazu kann man eigentlich viel mehr sagen… Musik ist und bleibt eine der universellsten Sprache der Welt!

Euer Marco!

Related Links:
- Der 15 Sekunden Clip, gepostet von Gareth Emery: >>Klick


lobo Oktober 2014
Hi Marco,

ich kann deinem Beitag nur zustimmen. Bei meinem täglichen Umgang mit gehörlosen Menschen bin ich immer wieder überrascht wie flexibel sie mit ihrer Behinderung umgehen und immer wieder neue Wege finden um am Leben in der " normalen " Welt teilzuhaben.

gruß lobo

SubReal Oktober 2014
Toller Artikel!
Vielen Dank Marco... :-)

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