<div style="text-align: center; ">Tracklist of &quot;Some Kind of Clover (A TRIBUTE TO METALLICA)&quot;:&nbsp;</div>
1. Motorbreath
2. Seek &amp; Destroy
3. Trapped under ice
4. Escape
5. Battery
6. Master of Puppets
7. Blackened
8. Dyers Eve
9. The Unforgiven
10. Nothing else matters
11. Ain't my bitch
12. King nothing

Available now at Amazon, itunes, Mindawn.com and many more!!!


We are ROCKETCLOVER from Germany and we won the German „your tribute to Metallica” contest on YOUTUBE.
After watching and listening to our acoustic versions of Metallica classics a lot of people from all over the world asked us for a complete Metallica tribute CD.

In Febuary 2009 we produced a couple of Metallica Songs with Henning Pauly who worked with such great artists like James LaBrie (Dream Theater), Sebastian Bach (Skid Row), Michael Sadler (SAGA) and many more. With &quot;Progrock-Records&quot; we found a trustable record-company to release the album, which was finished in march and now in Juni finaly released. At the moment it is only available digitaly via &quot;Mindawn&quot; and &quot;itunes&quot;, but a real cd is planned, too.

If you are a true metalhead you might think what we did is blasphemy. I don’t think so. I listen to Metallica for more than 20 years and I still love what they are doing. We were aware of the fact that you can’t play Metallica songs any better. So we tried to play them different. We focused on the songs and left out most of those great metal riffs to see if the songs can survive without them.

We were surprised when we found out that Metallica is (and now close your eyes if you are not strong enough) GREAT POP MUSIC!

So what we did is pure fun and we hope you enjoy it.

Love and respect to METALLICA from

<div style="text-align: center; ">
</div><div style="text-align: center; "><font class="Apple-style-span" color="#FF0000">Leider dürfen wir hier keine Songs hochladen, aber vielleicht möchtet ihr ja ein paar Worte im Gästebuch hinterlassen?! :)</font>

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