Hi, my artist name is Peter Whyts, I'm French and I've studied in the north of England. I make music using Fruity Loops, especially v.3.4. I can't play any instrument and I pretty much learned everything by myself. I listen to a lot of different stuff, ranging from 80's tunes & Rock to Rap & Electro that influence what I do. I enjoy Visual Arts too (I studied Graphics & Multimedia). I'm a creator, Music is a medium among many others.

add me on MySpace© plz - KthxBai :-3 Xx

P.S.: Please leave all your comments in English if U can, my German ain't too good ;-) !

P.P.S.: check out my portfolio - it's new, it's fresh, and it's from 2019 ;-) ---> http://y-roirand.com/portfolio</u>