I was born in 1987 in a tiny, quite poor area called Stralsund which is placed in the north eastern part of Germany. But 10 years later left this ghetto and moved to leverkusen,kind of an industrial city in the near of cologne. There i started to visit the landrat-lucas-highschool and this is the place where i started to rap. Honestly i just started to rap because i wanna impress one of ma girlfriends and so i began to write ma first poems. And yeah it was quite easy for me and then i improved ma self and in the 12. grade i began to write ma first raps in german language. Of course i showed them to some of ma friends and all of them really liked what i wrote which increases ma selfconfident. I kept goin and yeah than i decided to change ma rapstyle and began to rap in english,cause i really love this language. That was the best decision ive ever made!!! Meanwhile (2007) i recorded ma first LP called "Essengestate" and ma rhymes are really comparable with rappers from america...But dont think i would just copy their style ,i improve it! And yeah im not a rapper who just write about bitches and how they gotta shake their asses...ma tracks are about social problems and i made tracks about themes, which anybody can image..best example is "voice"...in which i personalize the pain....just message me and i'll send u some lyrics.
ESSENGE TAKES THE GAME!!! just listen to ma tracks...