I was beginning to produce my own songs since 1995 starting with Cubase lite.
From time to time the equipment was not enough only to work with Cubase Lite and 2 Synthesizer ( Alesis Quadrasynth S-4 & CS1X from Yamaha ). So i stocked up my equipment with much more better expression-strong sounds by external soundmodules like Access Virus-b (the support of Access is great) + Drummachines ect.
Also the Softwaresequencer was necessary to update to the professional Cubase Version. Monitors + Mixer ..... neverending story!
It is great to be creative and everybody can have a part of the result ( if it is good or less good ) ,
"Hopefully you like the music of mine and enjoy"

Please feel free to give me your comments to my music below !

I want to thank you listening my music and also
thanks for your comments in advance,

Kind greetings from Frankfurt
