Captured Souls was originally founded in 2013 as a Hip-Hop Band by Lyrixx and Unprodict.
After 3 years of producing beatz for their own Mixtape, they realize that there was more Potential. After working with some regional Artists like Gio Rockmore and Big Spook, they began to spread their wings of creativity to push their Collab's over the borders of the Netherlands towards Germany.
In 2015 and 2016 it began to turn silent due to personal circumstances... but underneath the surface there was still a flame of Music and Lyrics, that are waiting to explode.
In 2019 Unprodict and Lyrixx decided to meet with 2 great artists known as Kellah '91 and Bandit, to give the whole thing a different influence too.
Together they decided to split this Idea in 2 Sections:

1. Captured Souls as an Independent Label


2. The Artists as their own!

That means...more Creativity...more Power!

Featured Artists:
Kellah '91

...more to come...!

Captured Souls Records 2019