Software DAW
Steinberg Cubase Pro 8
Steinberg Wavelab 8
Renoise 2.8

Waldorf Blofeld Desktop
Roland MC-303

Synthesizer Plugins
Native Instruments Massive
Native Instruments Razor
Native Instruments The Grandeur
discoDSP Discovery 4.0
discoDSP Corona 5.1
Novation V-Station
Novation Bass-Station
Steinberg Padshop Pro
Steinberg Hypnotic Dance
Steinberg Retrologue
Synapse Dune
Waldorf PPG V2
Waldorf Attack
TubeOhm Bruno RP
TubeOhm Gamma-Ray 2
TubeOhm Phasewave Mono
Tone2 Saurus + Top of the Clubs Soundset

Effekt Plugins
VMS Multiband Compressor
VPS Essential FX Bundle 2
VPS Glitch Bitch
VPS Tapestop
VPS Philta
Kirnu Cream MIDI performer
Native Instruments SuperCharger
Tone2 Warmverb
Twisted Lemon SideKick5 (Sidechain-Compressor)

Steinberg CC121 AI Controller
MOTU UltraLite mk3 Hybrid Audio-Interface
MOTU MIDI Express 128
2x Yamaha HS 7 active nearfield monitors
Ultrasone HFI-580 Headphone
the t.bone SC450 USB Microphone
Novation 37 SL USB Controller Keyboard